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prior information中文是什么意思

用"prior information"造句"prior information"怎么读"prior information" in a sentence


  • 初始信息
  • 先验信息
  • 优先信息


  • Meaning , he didn ' t have any prior information about the hotel
  • The fusion method for prior distribution in multi - sources of prior information
  • This method fully utilizes the soft outputs of channel coder , and regards it as prior information
  • At the same time , the previous global estimate of failure probability can serve as additional prior information to yield the overall calibrated probability
  • In order to reduce the testing number , using various prior information has become indispensable , especially for the information of simulation and the special trajectory
  • The definition of the maximum likelihood estimator with the prior information ( pmle ) is given in this paper , and the consistency and asymptotic normality of pmle are proved
  • The market possesses prior information about the mean and variance of the value of the risky asset , as well as the crosscorrelation between the public and private information
  • The prior information of pixel intense distribution is introduced . then simulated annealing algorithm is applied to choose the proper neighborhood structure , and the optimal estimate can be obtained
  • Normally , the signal detection in this situation is non - cooperative and lacks adequate prior information ; therefore , it is a type of blind detection or approximate blind detection
  • Further , based on the method of pre - elimination of parameters , the formulae of the partly - weigthed least squares estimation with constraints on parts of the parameters are derived to include a prior information
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
用"prior information"造句  
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